

您现在的位置是: 钱昆




钱昆,北京理工大学教授、博士生导师,2021年入选“国家级高层次人才(青年项目)” 支持计划,“北京理工大学特立青年学者”支持计划。累计发表高水平学术论文90余篇,其中以第一作者/通讯作者身份发表SCI收录论文19篇,包括IEEE Signal Processing Magazine、IEEE IoTJ、IEEE T-ITS、IEEE J-BHI等领域内国际顶级期刊。钱博士现为IEEE高级会员,IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing(JCR Q1,IF-2021: 13.99)、Frontiers in Digital Health、BIO Integration等期刊编委,法国巴黎丝路商学院客座教授,中国留德学者计算机学会人工智能与大数据专家委员会专家委员,长期担任数十种领域内顶级/权威期刊与国际会议审稿人,与国内外顶尖高:涂蒲谢贡3殖て诮裘芎献鞴叵。




Journal papers (selected)

*: Corresponding Author, #: Co-First Author.

[1] Kun Qian*, Zixing Zhang, Yoshiharu Yamamoto, and Bj?rn W. Schuller, “Artificial Intelligence Internet of Things for the Elderly: From Assisted Living to Health-Care Monitoring”, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 78-88, 2021.

[2] Kun Qian*#, Tomoya Koike#, Toru Nakamura, Bj?rn W. Schuller, and Yoshiharu Yamamoto, “Learning Multimodal Representations for Drowsiness Detection”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, accepted, in press, pp. 1-10, 2021.

[3] Kun Qian*, Tomoya Koike, Kazuhiro Yoshiuchi, Bj?rn W. Schuller, and Yoshiharu Yamamoto, “Can Appliances Understand the Behaviour of Elderly via Machine Learning? A Feasibility Study”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 10, pp. 8343-8355, 2021.

[4] Kun Qian*, Christoph Janott, Maximilian Schmitt, Zixing Zhang, Clemens Heiser, Werner Hemmert, Yoshiharu Yamamoto, and Bj?rn W. Schuller, “Can Machine Learning Assist Locating the Excitation of Snore Sound? A Review”, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 1233-1246, 2021.

[5] Kun Qian*, Christoph Janott, Vedhas Pandit, Zixing Zhang, Clemens Heiser, Winfried Hohenhorst, Michael Herzog, Werner Hemmert, and Bj?rn W. Schuller, “Classification of the Excitation Location of Snore Sounds in the Upper Airway by Acoustic Multi-Feature Analysis”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 64, no. 8, pp. 1731-1741, 2017.

Conference papers (selected)

*: Corresponding Author, #: Co-First Author

[1] Kun Qian*, Tanja Schultz, and Bj?rn W. Schuller, “An Overview of the First ICASSP Special Session on Computer Audition for Healthcare”, in Proceedings of ICASSP, pp. 9002-9006, Singapore, May 2022.

[2] Shuai Yu, Yiwei Ding, Kun Qian*, Bin Hu*, Wei Li, and Bj?rn W. Schuller, “A Glance-and-Gaze Network for Respiratory Sound Classification”, in Proceedings of ICASSP, pp. 9007-9011, Singapore, May 2022.

[3] Tomoya Koike, Kun Qian*, Bj?rn W. Schuller, and Yoshiharu Yamamoto, “Transferring Cross-Corpus Knowledge: An Investigation on Data Augmentation for Heart Sound Classification”, in Proceedings of EMBC, pp.1976-1979, Guadalajara, Mexico, October 2021.

[4] Jing Han, Kun Qian*, Meishu Song, Zijiang Yang, Zhao Ren, Shuo Liu, Juan Liu*, Huaiyuan Zheng*, Wei Ji*, Tomoya Koike, Xiao Li, Zixing Zhang, Yoshiharu Yamamoto, and Bj?rn W. Schuller, “An Early Study on Intelligent Analysis of Speech under COVID-19: Severity, Sleep Quality, Fatigue, and Anxiety”, in Proceedings of INTERSPEECH, pp. 4946-4950, Shanghai, China, October 2020.

[5] Tomoya Koike, Kun Qian*, Bj?rn W. Schuller, and Yoshiharu Yamamoto, “Learning Higher Representations from pre-trained Deep Models with Data Augmentation for the ComParE 2020 Challenge Mask Task”, in Proceedings of INTERSPEECH, pp. 2047-2051, Shanghai, China, October 2020.





日本学术振兴会外国人特别研究员基金,主持, “Deep Learning for Intensive Longitudinal Biomedical Signals and its Health Related AI Applications”,2019年9月至2021年7月,全球录用率:10.6%。

之江实验室之江国际青年人才基金,主持:“Heart sound Analysis and its Non-invasive healthcare Applications via Machine Intelligence (HANAMI)”2019年8月至2020年8月,全球录用率:<15.0%。


2021年03月,Frontiers in Digital Health期刊“期刊大使奖”




2021年02月至今,IEEE Senior Member(IEEE高级会员)

2021年01月至今,IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing期刊 Associate Editor

2021年01月至今,BIO Integration期刊 Associate Editor

2021年01月至今,中国留德学者计算机学会 人工智能与大数据专家委员会 专家委员

